10 Reasons to Use Video Conferencing

10 Reasons to use Video Conferencing
Videoconferencing is a excellent way to supplement (not replace) face-to-face meetings.

Not all conferencing hardware is the same, if you need support in finding the right system to suit your business needs, please give us a call on 1300 369 829 (M-F 8am-5pm AEST) or email us: contact@videoconferencingaustralia.com.au

Video conferencing has expanded beyond the room with Mobile video conferencing ClearSea on iPad, iPhone and Android phones/tablets.

Here is an adapted list of the top 10 reasons to choose Video Conferencing:

#10 Reliability: Hold your meeting regardless of weather, flight delays, or other “acts of God.” Over the last few years, regardless of whether I was in Iceland, the Amazon, or on the Iraq border, I was always able to connect with the VSee team no matter where I was.

#9 Increase Productivity: Meet as much as you need to get the job done instead of only when you’re scheduled. One of our large customers discovered that the average VSee call is only 10-15 min long while traditional scheduled meetings tend to be 45 minutes. The reason is that with VSee, it’s so easy to bring someone into the conversation that there’s no pressure to fill up an hour to justify the scheduling overhead.

#8 Efficiency: Be in two places at the same time (or nearly at the same time)—Germany at 9 a.m., Japan at 2 p.m. On my last day here in Singapore, I had six in-person meetings and it was exhausting. At home, I routinely visit 10 to 15 places via VSee every day and still have energy to spare.

#7 Save Time: No need to wait for people to travel from the four corners of the earth to have an effective meeting. Why are large companies slow to get things done? Because decisions tend to get delayed waiting for meetings to happen.

#6 Improve Employee Morale: Let’s be honest: A lot of traveling is tiring. People need time to recover and they don’t always get to go to enjoyable places like Honolulu. (Although sometimes they do. I am writing this from Singapore, one of my favorite countries.)

#5 Save Money: Need I explain? Plane tickets, parking fees, hotel costs, meals, rental car/taxi costs…multiply by the number of people traveling and the number of times per month.

#4 Tighter Security: Keep your trade secrets in-house. Less chit chat outside the office means less opportunity for eavesdroppers.

#3 Improve Safety: Yes, this is kind of morbid, but I know parents who never travel on the same plane because of the possibility of a crash.

#2 Convenience: Easily add key personnel, interns, or a surprise speaker with the click of a button and at no added cost. This impromptu ad-hoc collaboration style is one of the key design principles behind VSee. The other two principles are “no app” and “no infrastructure”—more about these in the future.

#1 Increase Productivity: Did I mention this one already? All of the above reasons added together means less time wasted on the road, less time wasted recovering from the road, and more time spent getting the job done, resolving unexpected problems, having more opportunities to meet with team members and build better working relationships, and making better decisions.

Schaphorst, Richard.Videoconferencing and Videotelephony: Technology and Standards, 2nd Edition, pp. 9-11. Boston Artech House, Inc., 1999.