Contact Us

    Let's start the conversation

    If you need help, we are here for you. Please fill out the form below and we will get back in touch shortly.

    First name:

    Last name:


    Phone Number:

    Email Address:

    How can we help you today?

    Product name


    Quantity needed

    What are the dimensions of your room?

    How many people can it sit?

    What is the distance between the furthest participant and the TV?

    Are there power outlets and data points at the meeting room table?


    Is there an existing cable run between the TV and the meeting room table?


    What is your primary meeting platform?

    Detailed project description:

    Please describe your project in detail.
    Room: Do you have carpet or hard floors? Are all walls plasterboard or do you have glass walls? Do you have high-pitched ceiling? Does the room suffer from echo and reverberation effects?
    Furniture: Do you have any existing credenza or AV cabinet?
    Equipment: Do you have an existing TV? Is it a single or dual screen setup? Do you have any other existing AV equipment in the room
    Requirements: Do you want the video conferencing system in the room to be independent and dedicated to the room? Or do you want a simpler USB Plug & Play device so anyone can walk in with their laptop to run the call?

    Estimated Budget:

    Are you the decision maker?


    If no, please confirm decision maker's full name and contact details

    We are sorry to hear you are experiencing an issue with your device.
    In order to start the troubleshooting process, would you please answer the following questions?

    Location of the faulty device (address):

    Room name:

    Product name:

    Serial Number:

    Software Version:

    Fault Description:

    Is your power supply functioning well?


    Are you using any third-party cables or extenders?


    Have you disconnected and reconnected all cables?


    Have you rebooted your device?


    Have you upgraded your device to the latest firmware version available?
