Be more productive with Video Conferencing

The benefits of video conferencing come in many ways which can directly and indirectly save your business time and money.

If your business, government office, non-profit organisation or company has members or employees located throughout Australia or indeed the world, video conferencing can help bridge the distance!

virtual rooms

  1. A video conference allows everyone to meet at the same time regardless of the time zone, and more importantly without spending money on travel (or wasting your personal time sitting in an airport).
  2. In addition to the expense of having the decision makers of your organisation attend a meeting at a face to face business conference, most companies are forced to have one representative attend. They would then attempt to retain the information and travel back to the office to share with the employees the messages that were relayed at the meetings. This may cause confusion and incomplete information; people generally only retain only a small percentage of information they are taught.
  3. Saving Time is a major benefit of video conferencing. If you were an executive and had to spend a day on the road only to have for a 2 hour meeting, that is a full day and a half of productive work lost. Instead if you have that same 2 hour meeting from your office’s video conferencing room, or even your desk computer/ipad with ClearSea, you could use that non-lost travel time accomplishing productive activities that you otherwise wouldn’t have had.
  4. The medical field benefits from video conferencing tremendously by using mobile video conferencing technology. Suppose someone needed a liver transplant, that patient would need to see their GP, a gastroenterologist, and liver transplant doctors. Before video conferencing it could take weeks before all doctor meetings were set up and attended. Now in the medical profession teams of doctors are able to meet sooner and across the country with out ever having to leave their practice via reliable video conferencing solutions.

Who uses Video Conferencing in Australia

Video conferencing is mainly used in business, government or work place settings.

It is being used more and more each year because it is now much easier to log into the video conferencing system, direct connect and start talking instead of scheduling a meeting with employees or students and reserving a date for a physical conference.

The different settings we find video conferencing is being used for:

  • Military
  • Education
  • Medical (telemedicine)
  • Administration
  • Community consultations
  • Professional Education
  • Libraries

Military uses for Video Conferencing

Military VC

  1. When soldiers are over seas they tend to get homesick, and high numbers leave newborn babies behind. Most of the time, a phone call isn’t really enough. People want to SEE their family and video conferencing can make this happen.
  2. With many armories act as a meeting place, video conferencing can serve as a tool for educational purposes for the issues at hand.
  3. The Australian Government Department of Defence is tasked with the security of the commonwealth. It is important that meetings that are being planned involving our safety are done expediently. Meetings are done more efficiently by video as video conferencing allows documents to be shared and discussed.
  4. There are times when states have an emergency, be it flood, fire or cyclone. They have to prepare themselves with meetings involving more than one group of people in many different locations, some in the CBD, some in the bush. In emergency situations, it takes even more time and money to schedule flights, meetings rooms and accommodations for several groups to meet in one location.

Educational uses for Video Conferencing

education VC

  1. When video conferencing is used in education, it is much easier to have interactive communications between teacher to teacher, teacher to classroom, or even classroom to classroom with students learning in different places.
  2. Another benefit of a video conference in education is conjoining efforts. Now groups of students from different parts of the world can work as a team and share ideas and documents with one another.
  3. Contests over video conference – Schools are now able to have competitions with each other from Perth to Sydney. Spelling Bees, Talent Shows, etc.

Medical uses for Video Conferencing

Medical VC

  1. With video conferencing, medical students can receive top of the line training from qualified professionals who may be located at one of the top Hospitals anywhere in the World
  2. Individuals can view live procedures. Some medical students assist the surgeons on procedures. However, the benefits of video conferencing in this aspect is that it can allow for several students in multiple locations to view procedures and operations.
  3. It can allow for televised procedures to large audiences
  4. Contact with doctors and staff at different hospital or facilities

Using Video Conferencing for Administrative Duties

  1. Planning meetings for the reduction of travel costs
  2. Regional meetings for an association of companies
  3. Tutoring and Education
  4. Remote Mentoring

Using Video Conferencing in the Community

community VC

  1. MP Meetings in City Halls (or regional Buildings)
  2. Viewing important speakers
  3. Visual Updates
  4. Hearings and community consults

Using Video Conferencing in Professional Education

  1. Presentation of new facility
  2. Presentation of project to different departments simultaneously
  3. Distance Education resource and support
  4. Specialised training
  5. Present a visual graph, document or project

Using Video Conferencing in Public Libraries

library VC

  1. Resource sharing
  2. Training and Progressing
  3. Guest Speakers at Conventions
  4. Politicians, Experts, etc.
  5. Training at Seminars
  6. Field trips out of the country
  7. Visitors – virtual live interactions

Using Video Conferencing in Prison facilities

  1. G.E.D. Programs (Live teachers from college campuses)
  2. Virtual Parole Board Hearings (Reduces physical altercations from inmate upon a negative outcome)
  3. Virtual Visitation (Reduces contraband being conveyed on grounds)

The benefits of Video Conferencing come in multiple ways that can ease burdens on our business and personal lives, video conferencing save you time and money and is far greener than travel! The cost of buying video conferencing hardware and equipment is lower and lower each year. We have New Pricing Specials as well as ex-demo stock available for even lower prices!