Category: Video Conferencing Australia

What is your contingency plan?

Why We’re Not Afraid of Amazon

It’s official; Amazon is live in Australia. As a retailer, we’ve been told this is something to be afraid of, with the 24/7 media spin prophesying doom and gloom for Australian ecommerce businesses and the…

HD Video Conferencing in the cloud – FREE Lifesize Cloud trial

Thanks to our Silver Partnership with Lifesize, we are introducing our 14 day FREE trial of Lifesize Cloud! What is Lifesize Cloud? Lifesize Cloud is an unique cloud video conferencing solution that offers instant video calling with presence status,…

Did you know we are Lifesize Silver Partners?

DID YOU KNOW Video Conferencing Australia and Video Conferencing New Zealand, Chorus Call Australia, and Chorus Call New Zealand have been Lifesize Silver Partners for a solid 4 years? What does this mean? This means…

Video Conferencing Room System Special!

With demand for Video Conferencing in Australia growing rapidly, video conferencing room solutions need to provide a robust, resilient, scalable, and manageable infrastructure that deliver unparalleled quality of experience. For a very limited time we…