Category: Video Conferencing Australia

How could your business benefit from video conferencing?

Consider today’s work flow and how video can expedite decision making, help you to communicate with more people, maintain employee engagement, facilitate training with disparate teams and more. Question? Who outside of my organisation can…

How businesses save money with Videoconferencing

Allowing staff to work remotely allows for more flexibility in telecommuters’ lives, connecting to the office remotely enables employees to work without common office distractions and generally makes them happier and more efficient. This is…

Common day Video Conferencing Terms & Definitions

Video Conferencing (VC) is fast connecting people together for face-to-face meetings across the globe. However, when tying to set up, connect or even discuss video conferencing options, the language and terms used can be challenge…

What is Video-conferencing?

A Video Conference (or video-conference, VC) is a live video connection between people in separate cities, countries and time zones for the purpose of communication or interaction across great distances and reduced costs. Videoconferencing allows…

How Video Conferencing Connects the World

1. Video conferencing is everywhere From boardrooms to iPhones, doing business face to face has never been easier or more affordable. Gone are the days when video conferencing was reserved for the armed forces, government…