Is being green a reason to choose Video Conferencing?


Generally companies have several criteria for choosing video conferencing as solution… usually as an after thought, though rather important, is that it’s “eco-friendly”. Most small to mid-size businesses consider the following:

  • What can we save on travel/lost productivity? This figure is as easy on to calculate ( # of airfares to a conference; minus (-) a seat license for Room Conference or Mobile Conference; equals (=) a positive $ in savings to your bottom line. Productivity is harder to measure line by line, and may fall under someone else’s budget. However some quick factors include: lost documents, personal fatigue do to air/car transport as well as general lack of focus that can occur when having to think about time, travel and arrangements on top of thinking about the meeting.
  • Will the Equipment work on my organisations network ? Something that only works behind the firewall won’t work if I have a distributed or mobile workforce. Lots of companies have learned this lesson the hard way. Several solutions are available, both in room and mobile. We have partnered with LifeSize certified technicians to assist.
  • What can people do with the Video Conferencing? If you are running team meetings, you may be able to use a less robust system, such as a Soft Phone of ClearSea mobile. If you will be connecting to global locations for big-audience marketing webinars or high priority investor meetings, a room solution may work best. As a general video conferencing unit rule of thumb: form should follow function.
  • Oh, is Video Conferencing green…? There are multiple environmental advantages to conducting a ‘virtual’ face-to-face meeting: less travel (less flight & less time in traffic is less greenhouse gas emissions), reduced costs for printing meeting handouts (digital, cloud-based and screen sharing documents reduces waste and saves your printer) and other small yet noticeable savings to your bottom line.

Digital Connected World

Not all video conferencing equipment is the same, and there is not a one solution fits all. If you any questions on the right budget conferencing hardware to fit your business; visit us at or call 1300 369 829.

We are Australian based and are proudly keeping Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Alice Springs and Hobart connected.